August 28, 2024

South Africa and Japan have collaborated for the past 15 years to share learning and research opportunities for students in both countries. The 6th South Africa-Japan University Forum conference is held in Stellenbosch from 27-29 Aug 2024 The conference focuses on funding for projects and the transfer of knowledge through international exchange student programmes, under the theme “Fostering Sustainable Partnerships in Research, Innovation and Impact”, hosted by the Stellenbosch University.

Anneline Taljaard, Psychometrist and Disability Support Unit at Boland College, and Selina Kungwane, PhD candidate at the University of South Africa, will present at the conference.  Ms Kungwane is also permanently employed at the National DHET office. The topic of their presentation is “Understanding the right to inclusion as a student with disabilities in TVET Colleges. “

Six colleges in South Africa participated in the research in 2023.  Preliminary findings include:

  • Students are not aware of policies and therefore do not understand that they have the same rights as everyone else to work towards a qualification
  • Students do not understand that they have to disclose their disabilities upon application, to access support as early as possible.
  • Unequal levels of support exist amongst the different colleges.
  • Academic support does not happen because of a lack of capacitation at institutions. Lecturers are not trained and there is a shortage of staff members.
  • Inaccessible infrastructure prohibits registration of Students with Disabilities at campuses of their choice.

Some recommendations flowing from the research findings are:

  • Colleges should revisit and workshop the Batho Pele principles as the foundation for the rights of all students
  • Policies should be communicated through various platforms, media, and channels suitable for different audiences.
  • Partnerships should be established with specialist organisations to transfer knowledge. This will ensure improved resources and expertise are available to support SwDs.