Press Releases
Boland College plays its part in food security & training future, sustainable farmers
The official launch of the Boland College Greenhouse, which took place on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, was celebrated with an abundant display of freshly grown cucumbers, green beans, red onions, pepper dews, and cocktail tomatoes – the produce of several horticulture piloting activities in the greenhouse over the past few months.
Phasing out of the NSC (Colleges) Programmes – NATED 190/191 as from 01 January 2021
In line with Section 27(k) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, Act No 67 of 2008, Umalusi Council hereby notifies the public of its decision to phase out the National Senior Certificate (NSC) (Colleges) (Nated Report 191, Part 1) as from 1 January 2021. Please read circular attached.