Partnerships & Linkages

Boland College prides itself on the vast range of partnerships it has that ranges from training suppliers to workplace-based learning – both national and international.

One of the eight identified millennium goals alert to the establishment of a global partnership for development which Boland College embraces in strengthening our mandate with industry.

Through industry, companies can collaborate with us to build the capacity to deliver the skills that the different sectors require. These mutually rewarding relationships provide a sustainable partnership, which will be of wider social and economic benefit to the country.

As we are striving to uphold the DHET slogan “turning every workplace into a training space”, we had to focus on sourcing relevant partners to enable our exit-level and occupational students to gain relevant working experience.

enable our exit-level and occupational students to gain relevant working experience.

Workplace-Based Learning (WPBL) is seen as an important way to improve the quality of teaching and learning, as well as to attain greater alignment between the theoretical component and the skills needs prescribed by industry. As our placement market changed, we had to critically look at our product, as well as our brand.

The transition of students from a theoretical training environment into the world of work can be an unsettling experience for students who are not prepared for the complexities and rigors of entering

The transition of students from a theoretical training environment into the world of work can be an unsettling experience for students who are not prepared for the complexities and rigors of entering the job market, hence our constant interventions in the form of job readiness workshops and interventions.

the job market, hence our constant interventions in the form of job readiness workshops and interventions.

The college is constantly busy to partner with industry to increase our footprint in education and training and to ensure that we provide skilled students in demand.

Boland College is one of 26 colleges nationally awarded Centre of Specialisation (CoS) status. Boland College was given a welding component and through this initiative the DHET will enable all the identified Centres of Specialisation to pilot the new QCTO artisan qualifications in 13 priority trades.

Partners include:

  • Educational and Related Institutions and Organisations
  • Non-governmental Organisations
  • International Initiatives
  • Government Departments (Local, Provincial and National)
  • SETAs
  • Private Organisations, Businesses and Industry

Interested in partnering with Boland College?

Contact the Deputy Principal: Registration Services at the Boland College Head Office:

Wendy Adams (Deputy Principal: Registration Services)


Ruby Beukes (Secretary)

t: 021 741 3012

Workplace-based Learning

Boland College is mandated by the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) to assist academically successful students with finding relevant work placement. Students must gain relevant working experience aligned to their field of study, to receive their certification. Together, these theoretical and practical components enable the student to qualify for a National N-Diploma.

  • This initiative offers appropriate working experience to all exit-level students
  • This initiative increases employability, by means of practical exposure; and
  • Students are supported through a work readiness programme, that provides the soft skills necessary to function effectively in the workplace.

What does it mean for your business

By partnering with Boland College, your business will be able to:

  • Direct the training that Boland College offers towards the needs of your industry
  • Give input into and enhance the study programmes
  • Build partnerships and be affiliated with Boland College
  • Gain direct access to quality and skilled students
  • Benefit from the new energy and innovative ideas that students offer companies
  • Enhance your company’s image and positive public relations
  • Fulfil your social responsibility
  • Obtain points on your company’s B-BBEE scorecard (if applicable)
  • Participate in Skills Development
  • Get SARS tax rebates

Get involved!

For more information on how your business can get involved, please contact us:

Head Office t: 021 741 3000

Bathandwa Mooi
(Assistant Director: Partnership and Linkages)
t: 021 741 3055 / e: