Before registering as a student, you will have to establish whether or not you will have funds to finance your studies. In addition to the actual course/module fees, please keep in mind that you have to make provision for books, equipment if applicable to your programme, transport, accommodation and general living expenses.
Please note that fees and conditions are determined by Boland College and are subject to change without prior notice.
No cash payments will be allowed. Please make direct bank payments. Use the student number as a reference.
Boland College offers financial assistance to full-time students in the form of bursaries in collaboration with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for financially challenged students.
More detailed information about application, closing dates and criteria can be obtained from the Financial Support section of this website. Alternatively, contact our Financial Aid Office at 021 741 3000.
![Group 730@2x](https://bolandcollege.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Group-730@2x.png)
Bank Details
Bank: ABSA | Branch Code: 632005
Type of Account: Cheque | Account Number: 407-887-9219