March 30, 2022
Termination Of Rotational Timetable 4 April 2022

The Boland College Council at its meeting on 29 March 2022, formally approved that the rotational timetable currently being implemented for students will be terminated and that a timetable to accommodate a full return of students must be implemented at all campuses as from Monday, 4 April 2022.

The Council came to the decision based on the following:

  • A decision from the Academic Board taken at its meeting of 1 March 2022 whereby it recommended to the College Council to terminate the rotational timetable based on the Advisory of 19 January 2022 provided by the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on Covid-19 to the Minister of Health. The recommendation concluded that “All institutions of learning (Basic Education and Higher Education) 
  • should open to full capacity without rotational attendance. Institutions should ensure maximum feasible physical distancing between learners. However, there should be no minimum physical distance requirement.”
  • The positive outcomes from college management consultations on the matter with Campus Managers, the SRC and the College Covid-19 Task Team which included Labour Union representatives.
  • The outcome of extensive surveys undertaken by the college management to determine the levels of vaccinations against Covid-19 taken by students and staff of Boland college. The outcome of the surveys noted a high degree of protection against Covid-19 through vaccination and natural immunity through recovery from a Covid-19 infection.

With the rotational timetable being terminated as from Monday, 4 April 2022, we must remain within the prescripts of the Covid-19 protocols , namely, wearing of a mask in confined spaces, regular washing/sanitisation of hands and ensuring good ventilation in teaching venues.

It is trusted that campus management and academic staff will in advance communicate this decision to all students. Furthermore, that this decision will assist in ensuring excellent student attendance and through it excellent academic results.

Wendy Adams
Acting Principal